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Encapsulation Packages

The Encapsulation Only Package $150

Basic Package $175

Art Package $175

Healing Package $215

Encapsulation Only- Encapsulation and Umbilical Cord Keepsake

Basic Package- Encapsulation, Umbilical Cord Keepsake and 4oz Tincture with Extra Dropper

Art Package- Encapsulation, Umbilical Cord Keepsake and Placenta Print with Frame

Healing Package- Encapsulation, Umbilical Cord Keepsake, Placenta Print with Frame, 4 oz Tincture and 2 oz Salve.

What is Placenta Encapsulation: 

- the Placenta is cleaned, either steamed (TCM) or not (Raw) and then put onto the dehydrator. Once off the dehydrator it is ground into a fine powder and put into capsules for the mother to ingest.  

What is an Umbilical Cord Keepsake:

- The Umbilical cord which is your baby's life line in the womb is put into either the shape of a heart or the word "love". This can be colored or not it is your decision. This is put onto the dehydrator to make the keepsake.

What is Tincture:

- Tincture is 100 proof alcohol that has a almond size piece of placenta in it that sits for 6-8 weeks to allow it to infuse into the alcohol. The placenta can either be drained out or kept in the alcohol. The tincture is longer lasting and when you get low can actually have more alcohol added to it to continue taking the tincture in later years. 

What is a Placenta Print:

- A placenta print is where I take food coloring and create a picture on paper of your placenta. I always use a barrier so that no food coloring gets onto your placenta as some people are sensitive to food dyes and we don't want to cause any issues with any of our clients. 

What is salve:

- Salve kind of looks like bag balm. It can help with c-section scars, tears, can be used as nipple cream and diaper rashes. 

What is the difference between Raw and Traditional Encapsulation:

- Raw is apart of the raw food movement. It is cleaned, cut into strips, dehydrated for 20 + hours, ground into a powder than put into capsules. The raw method is more potent and yields more capsules. 

- Traditional is apart of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, I do not add anything to the steam water as I am not Certified to do so. Traditional is cleaned, steamed, cut into strips, put on the dehydrator for 14 + hours, ground into a powder than put into capsules. The traditional method is less potent and yields less capsules as well. 

Loving, Nurturing Mother also has some add ons you can put with any package.

Add Ons:

-Colored Capsules $5

-Colored and Flavored $10

-Different Sized Capsules $10

-In-Home Encapsulation $50

Colored Capsules: Loving, Nurturing Mother has colors Pink and Purple available. However, if you would like a different color please request and we will get those for you. 

Colored and Flavored: Loving, Nurturing Mother has Purple/Grape available. However, if you would like a different color/Flavor please request and we will get those for you. 

Different Sized Capsules: Loving, Nurturing Mother provides 00 sized capsules. If you would like a smaller capsules like 0's or 1's please request and we will get those for you. 

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